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When I was younger, I used to put the same Socrates quote on everything I could, almost to fetish level.

This list I think is actually quite good, it's surprisingly wise. As I've gotten older, I've stopped thinking of 30 as very old. (though I haven't quite gotten there myself.)

This life for me comes at a point of transition in my life, both personally and professionally... and at least for me it makes me seriously think that I am doing the wrong thing currently.

Also, for what it's worth, I think the first newsletter I've signed up for after reading something and not by accident during an account creation.

Except for 13, about the money, whenever I read that I always think that comes from the luxury of having needs met, but I will avoid delving into some Maslow debate.

> Except for 13, about the money, whenever I read that I always think that comes from the luxury of having needs met, but I will avoid delving into some Maslow debate.

"Having money's not everything, not having it is."

-Kanye West

"When you have money you never think about it. When you don't have money it's all you think about."

-Unknown rich person

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