It's a security feature, often malware will send encrypted traffic over 443 in an attempt to bypass firewalls. If BlueCoat can't understand the traffic, it drops it as it assumes it's malicious.
But the traffic is totally understandable -- the right action does not require knowing what TLS 1.3 is.
The way it is supposed to work is as following: there is a protocol negotiation when the connection is established (which is obviously unencrypted), which contains TLS version supported. If MITM proxy does not understand the version, it can just change these bytes to force hosts to negotiate at a lower version.
So the only reason BlueCoat fails is because the authors failed to implement force version downgrade.
The Bluecoat sales people did a number on you huh? Sounds really good until you ask 'why doesn't Bluecoat understand this traffic' - because it really should.
This is a failure to implement any version of TLS correctly, not just v1.3. (TLS has support for version negotiation including receiving a hello from a client with a future version, such as v1.3.)