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> Yes, SHA2 will also become weak eventually - so then you bump it again.

I disagree here. I doubt SHA2 or any modern hash will become weak within our lifetime. JP Aumasson, who is one of the experts of the field, agrees with me on that: https://twitter.com/veorq/status/834872988445065218

It's funny because in that Twitter thread this[0] is linked:

     Reactions to stages in the life cycle of cryptographic hash functions
     Stage               | Expert reaction                             | Programmer reaction                             | Non-expert ("slashdotter") reaction
      ...                |  ...                                        |  ...                                            |  ...
     General acceptance  | Top-level researchers begin serious work on | Even Microsoft is using the hash function now   | Flame anyone who suggests the function
                         | finding a weakness (and international fame) |                                                 | may be broken in our lifetime
Just to be clear: I don't doubt JP Aumasson's reasons to believe so. I doubt yours because as far as I can tell it's basically argument from authority ("JP Aumasson said so!")

[0] http://valerieaurora.org/hash.html

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