Well, I clicked around for a while. And now? There don't seem to be any recommendations?
The basic "click the books you read & liked" workflow is also annoyingly flawed. There are like 20 collections that each require a page load, and some of them only contain a single book.
Having tried similar things in the past, they seemed to be much better at quickly zeroing in on what I probably had in my bookshelf. After 10 to 15 books in my library, they had about a 50% hit rate with suggestions. I. e. if someone likes Douglas Adams, chances are really high they've also read Feynman's more humorous books.
There also seems to be a problem with deduplication. One of the collections literally contains 15+ editions of "How to Win Friends..." and nothing else.
Something interesting that may want to be worked on one day is that searching for an author's full name seems to bring up different results than just searching for their last name.
It seems "Discover popular books" would be more accurate? Within my specialisation, it didn't uncover the hidden gems, as much as the usual suspects of academic textbooks that are dreary as hell.
Looks cool. I tried to do something along the same lines. I had gotten tired of the low signal to noise ratio of Amazon book reviews (after reading one too many "Arrived in good condition" type of reviews). Mine is a more minimal HN type look and feel:
But Im not sure how to get it off the ground.