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Here's what I would love: A wysiwyg editor much like WordPress outputting static HTML (maybe even directly to S3 buckets).

Does this exist?

You just described Movable Type (https://movabletype.org/), which was WordPress before WordPress was WordPress.

The irony here is that the reason WordPress eclipsed Movable Type was that people got tired of having to go through the edit-output static files-publish cycle to modify their content. They wanted to make their changes in an editor and have them appear immediately on the live site, without waiting for a new set of static files to grind out. WP, which generates all pages dynamically, met that demand nicely.

Then of course people eventually discovered the downside of generating every page dynamically, namely that it's much more resource intensive, and started to clamor for something more efficient. So the current wave of static site generators were born, doing the exact same thing MT got killed in the marketplace for doing.


Yeah, I learned about MT's approach from Jeff Atwood back in '09, and have been reading about the new "discovery" of the static site generators with some amusement.

That said, MT has a big issue: for something that has been killed in the marketplace, it's quite expensive. I'd love to use it for the non-profit I help out, but at a $1000, it's about $950 more than what they can aford.

Surely there must be a way to have things appear 'instantly' without needing to have it generated dynamically..

We had the same need and built https://forestry.io ...shameless plug :)

A cms for static https://gohugo.io and http://jekyllrb.com/ sites.

• Commits to git repo

• Deploys to S3 (and other hosts)

• Preview your work

• Login to mysite.com/admin (via a React app that communicates with our API)

Lots of cool stuff coming soon. Feedback always welcome.

I was a bit surprised there for a second that I had not heard of the .shameless TLD.

Considering kirby:

admin interface can have many types of "fields" - wysiwyg is one of them (its not core but its popular)

html output - there is plugin that builds up html from whole site.

you could hook into the build and push whereever you want.

so with little setup it can be done with kirby. but same thing would be true for things like wordpress. iam sure there is wp plugin to export to html.

you could also simply use wget -m i had lot of luck with that

I believe Lektor does that: https://www.getlektor.com

CityDesk from Fog Creek, as long as you didn't mind going back in time 16 years. https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2001/10/12/what-does-citydesk...

If you like to beta test an app, check Pragma (https://www.laktek.com/2016/11/29/introducing-pragma/)

Movable Type (expensive). Bricolage (unmaintained for years?).

Blogger circa 1999 :) What goes around, comes around, eh?

Close but not exactly what you ask for: Jekyll.


he wanted wysiwyg, jekyl is just static site generator. one of many btw... and nowdays better pick is probably hugo.

WordPress with a caching layer is basically that.

Not really, you still have all the WordPress drawbacks (security risk, plugin incompatibilities, crashes).

Last time I tried setting up caching with a wp plugin it ended up bringing the whole site down...

The last time I used WordPress (fortunately, very long ago) the most popular caching strategies were SuperCache (writes HTML files to the webroot) and Varnish (a caching reverse-proxy.) In both cases it's trivial to separate the static content from the administrative area. I don't recommend this (I don't recommend anything WordPress) but that seems like what the poster is asking for.

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