> Taylor and his co-conspirators were able to dox so many celebrities and public officials because they hacked a Russian identity theft service called ssndob[dot]ru. That service in turn relied upon compromised user accounts at data broker giant LexisNexis to pull personal and financial data on millions of Americans.
And we're supposed to think that cottage industry carders represent our main threat?
Unlike many of the commenters on Krebs's blog, I'm also glad that a cybercrime done by teenagers doesn't completely ruin their lives. These kids have valuable skills, which unfortunately are misused. Instead of punishment, they should be given opportunities to "turn their lives around".
What DO you do if someone mails you heroin? Is the only reason he's not in jail the fact that he snuck into the forum and uncovered the plot before it happened?
And we're supposed to think that cottage industry carders represent our main threat?