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to me it's not a deeply-seeded reason, it's just when I hear cutesy-sounding names I just don't take them seriously. They sound like the latest, hipster thing that's going to be in-bloom for a (figurative) week or two until the next cutesy thing steals everyone's attention. Even the language Pony has a mildly off-putting name (to me) despite hearing people rave about it. Couch DB ? What the hell does that mean ?

I admit it's a bias of mine and I could be losing out on learning amazing tools. But even non-profit, standardized languages and tools still have a brand name and image.

I know that was rhetorical, but Couch is connotationally neutral AFAIK, and comes from "cluster of unreliable commodity hardware".[1]

At least, it's miles ahead of Cockroach or Rust or even Mongo.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CouchDB#History

I agree that it's more neutral, if not random-sounding without knowing it's an acronym. JBOD is another neutral acronym.

I'm not marketing guru, but maybe cockroach could have been more palatable by calling it "RCH, some call it roach, because it was named after its persistence" ?

Ah yes, let's not forget the solid branding behind some of Adobe's work:


https://hive.apache.org/ (Look at the anguish in this creature's face)


Wait, is hive supposed to look like some elephant-bee hybrid?

It's supposed to be related to hadoop, right?

I thought it was a bee mid-sneeze.



Too late to edit :/

See your point, but maybe there's a middle ground between hipster and bug like?

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