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The Garden: Instacart's Physical Staging Environment (instacart.com)
124 points by shiftb on Feb 15, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Off topic, but I wanted to highlight the open source contributions that Instacart have made. Have a look at all the good stuff at https://github.com/ankane - chartkick, ahoy, pghero, searchkick, blazer and more.

Edit: should also have linked to https://www.instacart.com/opensource

Thanks for the link! pghero and chartkick look very useful!

Those are fairly common. Most big retailers have a test store. Some are just for in-house use, and some have real customers.

Michael Drexler gave the same advice to Steve Jobs before they opened their first Apple Store. They instantly realized they got the whole thing wrong.

That's fancy! Thanks for sharing!

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