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Censored on Imzy /Politics for defending Trump supporters against violence (medium.com/trentlapinski)
4 points by mysticlabs on Feb 10, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Good articles. So much for Imzy being a 'kinder gentler version of Reddit'. Looks like the same old activists have colonized the strategic key areas and are using the same old tactics of attacking the poster, not the content, and raising such a stink in the process that it silences normal people and drives them away. Then they will claim that their enforced orthodoxy has spontaneously emerged via the 'hive mind'. It is overwhelmingly likely that these are paid activists.

Boy there's nothing half as exciting as reading a dude's blog post about getting banned from a web forum. (Same guy apparently wrote this : https://medium.com/@trentlapinski/the-berkeley-riots-were-a-... )

Oh wait mysticlabs appears to be the same person as the author, or at least a serious fan.

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