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A GNU-Readline-like library for .NET (github.com/tsolarin)
95 points by tonerdo on Feb 10, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Awesome! So we can stop copy-pasting this: http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2008/Aug-26.html

Lol, yes you can maxaf. Part of the reason I built this library in the first place

There is also a nuget package

Library author here. I would love if people took it for a spin and gave me feedback. Also contributions are welcome, I'm currently trying to figure out ways of testing deeper into the library.

Do you plan to support the equivalent of ~/.inputrc to configure editing options (specifically vi editing mode)?


That's a good one. Although, considering I built the library to allow developers build their own bash like experiences I think it might be better to leave it up to them to define their own editing config files

Hi, I'm the author of prompt_toolkit. A library that does something similar for Python. Don't hesitate to copy anything you need. It took me a few iterations to get the API as I wanted.

One thing I underestimated was the importance of having all readline key bindings available. People are really sensitive when certain functionality that they are used to is missing. (And you've no idea how much functionality there is in readline until you have to implement it.)

Thanks jonathan, I'll be sure to take a look. Having feature parity with GNU Readline is something I'm hoping to have in the future, it's a lot of work but it's open source so Im sure I'm not alone :)

That's really cool. I was just looking at the ReadLine that the PowerShell team released the other day.

Only this week, I decided to get serious about learning PowerShell. I had tried it before but didn’t really get hooked. This time, I persevered and was also lucky enough to stumble across PSReadLine and some of the other goodies listed at http://psget.net/directory/ So far, it’s the Readline emulation that has made the biggest impression. With it, PowerShell has become so much more pleasurable to use and it’s no longer annoying to switch between it and Bash on Cygwin.

I use psreadline / conemu every day (it's been out quite a while). If you have GNU ctrl-R, up, escape underscore etc in your fingertips, you want it.

Windows users:

    Install-Package PSReadLine
Then add

    Import-Module PSReadLine
To whatever $profile is.

tonerdo: I don't really know .net very well, how would .net readline compare to psreadline?

So PSReadline looks really good and it seems popular too. I haven't used it yet but I would imagine that because it's a Powershell module it can't be easily used in other .NET languages like C#, F# or even VB

Do you have a link? I can't seem to locate it. Thanks!

This might be the PS library he's talking about: https://github.com/lzybkr/PSReadLine

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