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Depends. How annoying are the ads on Google Search. Yes, I know this is HN, so annoyance levels go to 11, but most people wouldn't go searching out for a blocker if all adds were not overly obtrusive.

They're incredibly annoying. I have a 1080p screen. The entire first page of results on every search is ads. I've stopped using google.com because of this.

Factually, I don't see how that is possible.


How much of your screen is ads?

Thanks for calling me a liar. Nice talking to you.


One click fixed

Or I could just use a search provider that doesn't require a "one click fix" literally every single time I use their primary service? What's your point?

My point, as I said originally, is that those ads are minimally obtrusive compared to other ads.

Most people (present company excluded of course) would not seek out an ad blocker for something so minor as PgDn.

Neither did I. I just switched search providers. Which I already said.

I'm not sure how you can get more obtrusive than "entire default screen of main product replaced with ads."

I'm sure you have apologetics on the matter, carefully constructed while you were surveying "most people" on how they'd react to the Page Down key.

Ad blockers should be a standard part of the browser, just like it is in Opera and maybe Safari. Just like the popup blocker was a standard addition in the 2000s.

I also use a DNS based filter in addition to ad blockers. Gotta love centralised ad networks - you block some hostnames and you get rid of 80% of junk automagically. The rest is the ad blocker's business.

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