I have a software as a service app that I've decided I would like to offer an affiliate program for. I spent some time today looking at various programs that are available and they all seem to have relatively high monthly fees, high setup fees, and obtuse setup processes.
Does anyone know of a simple affiliate program without setup or monthly fees? Ideally the provider would setup the affiliate accounts, charge me for the affiliate commissions plus their cut, then pay the affiliates. On my end, I'd look for the affiliate code and setup a cookie, and make a POST to the program with the affiliate code when someone signs up. I'd also like to review the affiliate applications to make sure they aren't spammy.
Does anything like this exist? What do you all use? If nothing like this exists, would anyone use it if I built it?
It only took about a day in rails.
- make a migration to add "referrer_id" to users table
- put a before filter in application_controller to watch for a special param used in affiliate codes, if it exists store in session
- when new users sign up set their referrer_id out of the session if it exists
- whenever the "action" is taken by the user that triggers a referral commission, put this is pending transactions
- use a monthly cron job and paypal gem to send affiliate commission each month
That was the gist anyway.