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Quit Facebook Day (quitfacebookday.com)
9 points by sheraz on May 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

It's when reading non-HN fora that I thank science for this small outpost of literacy and reasoning. The level of discourse elsewhere is physically painful.

I can't wait for this quit Facebook meme to fizzle out into oblivion. They are like a bunch of religious fundies trying to push their view onto other people.

Facebook can do what they want with the data I give them. I don't give them anything I wouldn't mind anybody else seeing.

I think that is a fairly naive view. As you are on HN I will assume you are more savvy than most other Facebook users. However, many not lucky enough to be you have found themselves unknowingly publishing information they _thought_ was private. The friction here is about privacy. Many want to maintain control over their personal information, which they wrongly thought Facebook respected.

These mini-memes or movements may not register on the radar of Zuckerberg et al, but it does raise awareness and bring the issue up for discussion. Besides, this latest brouhaha has sparked an entrepreneurial interest in the alternatives. (Diaspora, OpensocialWeb?) And _that_ is interesting...

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