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How to Check If Your Website Is Blocked In China or Not (labnol.org)
11 points by gscott on May 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Hmm...my website http://whyspam.me provides emails to hide keep your identity safe is apparently still reachable in china. Wonder how long that will last?

Interesting, Google.hk (the source for unfiltered Chinese search results) is still accessible...even after all of that Google/China hullabaloo

What prevents the Great Firewall from whitelisting pings from these machines?

Nothing, but why would they bother?

To interfere with foreign citizens' probing of their network?

I tried pinging dropbox.com from the justping site and for China they have

Shanghai, China: Packets lost (100%)

Looks like good data, no conspiracies.

I tried this as well. The first time Shanghai, China gave 100% packet loss for dropbox.com but every subsequent time I have tried all packets have been delivered.

Pinging facebook.com seems to drop all packets reliably though.

Pinging doesn't mean port 80 content is available.

It's not a solid indication of the positive OR negative.

Websitepulse seems to have the best approach so far.

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