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Definitely going to try this out. Having a consistent navigation library seems to be the last missing puzzle when building cross platform apps. Currently our project is set up to use the same Redux reducer and actions codebase for both mobile and web platform. The goal is to share all codebase and adding a new platform will be simply creating a new view component. Unfortunately, a lack of unified navigation library has caused us to create all kinds of hacks to get to make things work. We use react router on web and react-native-router-flux on native.

I'm part of a group working together on a project to teach ourselves coding so if anybody has any existing solution or alternatives, please share!

This is exactly the direction I am moving with my client. Prior to reading about this library I was planning on using the latest version of react-router to do this. See:

https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router https://react-router.now.sh/MemoryRouter https://medium.com/@jschloer/react-router-v4-with-react-nati...

Navigation is a big pain point for sharing code between web and native.

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