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Ask HN: How many points you have
5 points by praving5 on Jan 26, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
I have been contributing to HN from last 2 years or so and have just 268 karma points. How many you have and what you do?

The HN-ranking algo is not ideal. If you hit a popular discussion early you get way more points because you float on top of those who come later.

I fooled arround with it for a bit and now I'm at 740 points (still less than one karma a day). But mostly through consistent commenting and most of my comments remain at 1 point XD. Helping out with a wesite hugged to death by posting a google cache link makes people happy though.

but yeah, nobody cares about internet points.

You made me notice that my ranking right now is 1337, which is 1337. That is an average of 0.64 per day. I previously cared, but only because I was learning to hear and trust my inner voice, neither of which I was ready to do when I started participating on HN. Sharing my opinion here and having it be appreciated by others has been a large confidence booster.

Likes/ followers/ views/ karma points - all these counters make us users anxious even if we don't have some serious (a.k.a money) business to do with our online presence. I doubt if we will ever get used to it and I doubt whether the broad availibility of these counters/ analytics services is worthy. The context, the knowledge we get, the contributions we make should be the point, IMO.

Getting down to your question, you need to be informed (a.k.a. confident) or curious about the topic of the thread you're contributing to get karma points, I guess.

36 karma, joined 1061 days ago. Lurked casually probably 2 years before making an account.

I'm only just now graduated from college and working as a consultant, so never had a ton to add. Also I'm not technical, don't code, so a lot of the topics I read about here I am not close to qualifying to comment on.

Though it would be nice to get enough karma to downvote, probably gonna take 10 years to get there haha!

I created this throwaway account (mostly to vent) about a month ago, and I'm already at 126 points. I think people appreciate the sincerity of someone who does not need to self-censor himself?

2 years? Your profile says that your account was created 205 days ago.

Well, OP said "or so" and sometimes half a year seems like eternity in the wrong circumstances. ;-)

It's usually easier to get a few points with a comment about something you know. What is your area of expertise?

[I guess you know, but I'll remind you anyway. Try to avoid jokes and oneliners.]

I've been on HN for about 5 and half years. I rarely pay attention to my "karma" except for on a per-comment basis and only if it's negative as it normally means I was misunderstood or I misunderstand the downvotes and I edit or reply to a child to try and resolve the misunderstanding. Aside from that it doesn't really matter, most of my comments are completely ignored (no comments, no votes) and that's normally due to commenting on low-traffic posts, "late to the party", or just not something anyone found useful. Most of my "karma" comes from a handful of posts I've made on topic I am highly informed/involved with, when being very open/genuine, or useful tips/info.

For example in last 2 years (After 2 years I got tired of scrolling through my history):

[32] Talking about a field I know a good bit about: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10150020

[38] In response to people freaking out over nodejs numbering: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10477878

[49] In response to SV entitilement: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13062611

[49] Being open and opposed to "Things were fine back in my day"-thinking: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10182611

[57] How I use GMVault: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12987670

[57] Talking about Bittorrent Sync: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9534850

[58] On a new taxi app and how that article was overly-glowing: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10676957

[66] Wishing for VR virtual desktops: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9701776

[88] Complaining about google not hiring the homebrew dev: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9695416

[114] Responding to a snarky blog on how "easy" it is to build an app: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12137433

[217] Response to FBI's stupid statements on encryption: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9661936

For each one of the comments I made above there were probably another 5 that got 1-5 votes and then another 20 that never got a single vote.

Like I said at the start I don't pay much attention to it at all and if you do you probably are on HN for the wrong reasons. Just comment when you have a valuable opinion or information to add to a discussion and let the chips fall where they may.

created: 2724 days ago

karma: 3079

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