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From the article

> [...] we expect that Crashlytics will become the main crash reporting offering for Firebase [...]

They will be integrating Crashlytics into their core developer offering, Firebase. Looks like if you are just using Fabric's Crashlytics service you will be ok. But there is more room to worry if you are using some of Fabric's other tools.

Additionally, Firebase was an independent company bought by Google back in 2014 [1]. There was some teeth-gnashing and worry at the time that Firebase may be killed off, but it has only grown - in some ways by leaps and bounds - since then. It even had a prominent position at Google I/O 2016. [2]

We plan to stick with Crashlytics at my company.

[1] https://techcrunch.com/2014/10/21/google-acquires-firebase-t...

[2] https://scotch.io/bar-talk/a-look-at-the-new-firebase-a-powe...

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