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Almost every modern compiler uses some form of intermediate representation. The choice of IR is shaped by history and design. As the posted article shows, LLVM uses a SSA based IR to describe programs. GCC in contrast uses 2 IRs, GIMPLE and a LISP based IR called RTL. GHC uses Core Haskell (Haskell without the syntactic sugar).

The purpose of every IR is to remove the ambiguities and language complexities of programs. By simplifying programs into series of statements such as "%3 = op $type %1, %2", generic optimisers can be built easily. Certain language specific optimizations can be written for the frontend of the compiler as they have knowledge of the language being compiled. Generic LLVM-IR may not be optimised to deal with issues such as devirtualization in C++ (though there is work being done in that area).

LLVM's IR undergoes fairly occurrent changes to better handle "new" problems.

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