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Google foobar is back?
7 points by fharding on Dec 30, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
I just got a Google Foobar window, closed it and then tried to go back to google.com/foobar, but it's not showing up, what's interesting, is that foobar is back? Anybody else notice this?

I got it a few months ago by searching something Python-related, completed it over the course of a week or so (with a little help) and then failed their technical interview. Wasn't a fan of the interview process; I feel they put too much emphasis on advanced algorithm knowledge. Left the interview feeling pretty low.

I got it 2 days ago. I'm currently on level 3

Did it ever go away?

Seems so.

what is foobar ?

a recruiting game. it opens up randomly (it chooses you) and asks you to perform engineering related tasks. if it deems oyu good enough, you get a google interview.

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