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C was designed in a time when codebases were much, much smaller than codebases today; when your project got big enough that it was unwieldy for C you embedded a lisp or TCL interpreter and used that to string together small C utilities.

As I Get Older™, I'm starting to agree with the Suckless[1] people that the small-project way is better, and that one of the reasons it's better is that C still works for it. Projects that are small enough for a single developer to understand in the nature of things have fewer problems. Yes, that would mean a change in what we expect software to do and how we expect it to behave, but that changes all the time anyways, and I think a pendulum swing back in the minimalist direction would be a good thing.

[1] http://suckless.org

At one point, there was a pejorative in circulation among some programmers: "hugeware". It seems to have been forgotten. We seem to have developed a kind of "hugeware acceptance".

What was dubbed hugeware was actually small by today's standards.

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