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I hate tipping for all the awkward situations that can arise, when there is confusion about the expected amount for the "average" tip. Recently I attended a dinner for which the attending group had gotten a food voucher and only had to pay the drinks. Which we did with a nice tip - for the drinks. Neither we nor the giver of the voucher had preempted, that the waiter expected a tip for the food too. Which of course is debatable, as here in Germany, service is considered to be included in the prices. So, at the end, no one was happy, without any malicious intends on our side.

Traditionally, there was little tipping here in Germany, as service is included in the prices. One would usually just round up the cents. But with growing internationalization, tips started to grow - while technically still not required, there is now a strong expectancy of some tipping, adding to the confusion about the right amount.

At least, as long the basic service is included in the posted price, one can use the tipping as a feedback instrument. Rarely, I cut the tip to zero when I was very unhappy with the service provided, while I am happy to pay a generous tip, if I thought I had been serviced very well.

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