I also feel that perhaps a name change (I have difficulty recalling it, even now) and a revenue model, perhaps capitalizing on the most loyal users, and word of mouth advertising, could really gear the website forward.
I wish I would have known about it when I was more into Spanish.
capitalizing on the most loyal users seems like a good idea to me. if they could make a business on it and you could skim off the top they'd be incentivized to grow it pretty quickly.
Sorry, I'm not quite sure if I understand your comment.
What would you like to see them doing? If anything, I'll learn from this and hopefully, the founders might find a good idea or two on these comments.
i know absolutely nothing about the market, but my feeling is there is a pretty big opportunity in charging for one on one tutoring. you could have a whole ranking/review system etc. someone willing to pay for spanish tutoring here is going to be paying a boat load compared to what someone in latin america would be charging. so the key would be finding people who speak spanish and english well enough that they could tutor for less than a local american would do it for. i think that's totally possible - but again that's just one example of what capitalizing most common users could mean, i really don't know the market so i can only guess
edit: now that i think about it there's probably room for american tutors who charge more as well. have a find a spanish tutor search option and have price be one vector, location be another (let people find tutors locally?) etc. etc.
I wish I would have known about it when I was more into Spanish.