Closure and Typescript added type checking/safety features, ES6 adds classes, Typescript even has generics and interfaces. Javascript developers will eventually add most of Java's features but keep their conscience clear by never uttering the phrase "like Java".
I haven't heard anyone wishing it were more like Java although Google does have a Java to Javascript compiler that they use for some of their web applications. I'd guess those people in some way wish Javascript was more like Java or at least that they could write Java in places they'd otherwise be writing Javascript. It probably makes a lot more sense if your backend is also written in Java so you can share code between them.
I wished I could have `for...of` loop to iterate array in javascript, so I can say goodbye to `for(var i=0;i<len;i++)`. Now it's supported by all browsers. But it's so late. You cannot use it unless you only support very recent browsers.
That's another language. You can prefer Java. You can prefer TypeScript. They are just not JavaScript. (Nowadays there are so many source-to-source compilers to JavaScript. Even Java-to-Javascript compiler.)
What additions that TypeScript has do you find offensive? And that's why I gave my second option, which allows you to use modern JavaScript natively (without the additional features TypeScript has, if so opposed) and cross-compile when you have to target older platforms.
True but I guess many OOers don't care to try to think prototypically. I did and I conclude that OO and prototypes suck equally so might as well use the prototypes
Almost everyone complains about JavaScript, and very few of the folks I hear complain about it wish it were more "like Java."