I am glad to pay taxes in exchange for public goods/services like roads, schools, libraries, ...
...bombs, bailouts, bribes, bureaucratic inefficiency, lining the pockets of lobby groups, incarceration for victimless crimes, keeping cops charged with police brutality on the payroll...
I would encourage you to check the officially published breakdown of how taxes are spent - and then consider what the actual break down might look like.
People have a real cognitive dissonance when it comes to the state. I think it's hard for people to deal with the the fact that money will inevitably be taken from you under threat of force to fund things you hate, that you find wrong, or that ruins peoples lives. It's much easier to just close your eyes and think of roads, schools and libraries.
Government jobs (and contractor jobs) are stable, pay well even for people who don't have great educational backgrounds, and companies like Lockheed know how to spread around defense dollars so it becomes a jobs program in all 50 states.
In this sense, the inefficiency is a feature, not a bug.
I'm glad to pay my fair share too (I don't look for every single deduction I can possibly find). However, it doesn't mean I want to pay any more than what I'm paying now. There is a definite limit.