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Sharedy.com: Create Facebook's Status Timeline with Embedly, jQuery and GAE (embed.ly)
26 points by screeley on May 4, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I had no idea embed.ly existed, that's really cool looking service. Also didn't know about the oembed standard...

Same. Need to find something to build with embed.ly now.

oEmbed is notable for its part in Facebook's share/status update features...from just a URL for a given page, the correct content can be extracted and displayed directly. Probably tumblr, et al use it as well, though I am not certain.

I don't know if it's oEmbed (though it might be) but yes tumblr does this with images and video.

Async previewing of the detected links before sending would be nice (which is, imho, the nice thing about Facebook status form) Good work nonetheless, I'm looking forward to using oEmbed through embed.ly soon.

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