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For anyone looking to learn more about the financial crisis, my two recommendations are:

[1] Stress Test https://www.amazon.com/Stress-Test-Reflections-Financial-Cri... [2] Too Big To Fail http://amzn.to/2hvIZ1w

Too Big To Fail spends much of its time in the lead up to the crisis, and documentation of the handling of the crisis by the major participants.

Stress Test reviews the handling of the crisis, but speaks much to the aftermath and handling over the following four years.

Both are also great on audible, as Geitner reads his own book (which I always prefer, no matter the quality of the orator).

Another good one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T31UlBnkQr0

"70% of the financial world's cost is regulation, 20% for the tech sector"

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