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Anybody know how many people are on the VSCode team? They're moving so fast in adding useful stuff with very few hiccups...I'm lovin' it.

About 10.

From one member: "VSCode has a relatively small team compared to the size of the product" - https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/13138#issuecommen...

Makes me happy that getting rid of stack ranking allows small elite teams to now be functional.

Before, everyone would've been stepping on each others' toes because only two out of ten people would always be rated top performers and two more would be forced onto "performance improvement plans" (aka "you're about to get fired").

Erich Gamma (Gang of Four - Design patterns) is part of the team.

"co-author of the influential software engineering textbook, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. He co-wrote the JUnit software testing framework with Kent Beck and led the design of the Eclipse platform's Java Development Tools (JDT)"

And here's me writing code that creates csv files, that get copied from one server to another server (on another continent) - without anyone reading them.

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