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I move daily between different environments (OS X, Windows, Linux in VMs and on Raspberry Pi) and languages (C, Python, shell scripts).

Switching between different editors on all platforms was a chore. Emacs provides me with the same basic functionality in all environments and for all languages I use. Additionally, it works very similarly both on the desktop and in a terminal, so I can use a powerful editor even in fairly restricted environments.

So yes, for me it's worth it.

I started with plain file-editing, with a focus on keyboard shortcuts for editing. When they felt somewhat comfortable, I started using basic modes (fill-mode for better editing, C and Python modes). As you go along, you'll find things you want to do (format paragraph, autocomplete,...) You'll look them up, and find that they are either built-in, or available as a mode. Rinse, repeat :-)

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