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As a German, I say that is exactly what is wrong with Blablacar, so this is a good thing ;) Blablacar rpesents itself as a service that matches people having a spot in their car and people needing to travel from A to B, and for a long time they did just that. Now they started mandatory booking though their payment system (with the added benefit of insurance, granted), and everything about it has become worse: my girlfriend lives far away from big cities, but relatively close to the Autobahn, and it is much worse now for her to get a ride. Previously she could message people offering rides that should take them close to her place and ask them how much they wanted, now private communication is prohibited, fares seem precalculated, etc...

I guess it is a hard market, sure, but nobody forced them to compete against simple ride sharing websites, but they did, and now try heavy handed tactics once they captured a big piece of the market... /rant

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