That's a bit extreme. A compiler sending your codebase has potential IP implications. Sending your brew commands back to brew is much different.
What commands do you run in brew that isn't specific to brew? Whereas, compiling code is a very specific-to-you scenario. If brew fails, it's likely to be caused by brew itself or a package that is part of the repository. If you your compiler runs into an issue, it's not inherent to the compiler necessarily. I'm not a fan of brew at all, and I can't really find the malice here. Either opt out, stop using brew, or accept it. Why are you on OSX if you care that much about your package manager anyways? Ive worked at many companies, and any that let you choose a MacBook will let you opt for a Linux laptop instead (YMMV I guess).
What commands do you run in brew that isn't specific to brew? Whereas, compiling code is a very specific-to-you scenario. If brew fails, it's likely to be caused by brew itself or a package that is part of the repository. If you your compiler runs into an issue, it's not inherent to the compiler necessarily. I'm not a fan of brew at all, and I can't really find the malice here. Either opt out, stop using brew, or accept it. Why are you on OSX if you care that much about your package manager anyways? Ive worked at many companies, and any that let you choose a MacBook will let you opt for a Linux laptop instead (YMMV I guess).