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I have a soft spot for Neocities, which is trying to be everything we loved about Geocities, but for a modern age:


ZERO ADVERTISEMENTS, even for the free plan. Supports only static hosting, is free for 100mb websites with bandwidth of 50GB per month, or five dollars per month for 10,000mb with 2TB and a number of other extra features.

EDIT: As mentioned by detaro, custom domain only supported in the paid plan, see https://neocities.org/supporter

Works really well with creative coding frameworks like p5js or Twine, for fun, fast little sketches you just want to thrown online and share with others:



Also, they really care about resurrecting the ideals of the old internet:



Thanks for the warm words!

> ZERO ADVERTISEMENTS, even for the free plan. Supports only static hosting, is free for 100mb websites with bandwidth of 50GB per month, or five dollars per month for 10,000mb with 2TB and a number of other extra features

Haven't announced yet, but these numbers are all increasing soon. Well, except for the advertising one. I'm literally in the datacenter right now working on it.

Be nice if neocities support Lektor (https://www.getlektor.com/), or some sort of web gui static publishing framework. Something easy like WordPress, but not so blog focused. I'd do it myself if I had macOS, but haven't got it setup for Windows yet.

You're welcome! I'm a happy supporter and have used it in the classroom as a no-fuss just-get-started option a few times.

(BTW, the list on https://blog.neocities.org/ seems outdated - it doesn't mention that SSL article for example)

> Well, except for the advertising one.

What about the five dollars per month one?

Neocities is slightly more expensive hosting (if I want to use my custom domain, which I do) than other options. $5/mo is still really affordable though and I like what they're doing so I chose to support them.

I can't find if neocities support custom domain names, any idea?

I loved geocities too, and I always wished I"d had a CORS backend to call from my HTML pages. I built a service specifically to be a CORS backend for neocities. You can signup, and start making CORS calls from your neocities pages to a sqlite database on my service. I tried several times to contact the owner of neocities about this but he never responded. Since then I implemented static file hosting and pivoted to a "Single Page App One Stop Shop" model. We offer custom domains and free ssl (Lets Encrypt) for early adopters. Link in my profile.

> You can signup, and start making CORS calls from your neocities pages to a sqlite database on my service.

If I'm understanding what you're trying to do, this isn't on our end. Neocities currently doesn't prevent sites from making API calls to other servers - that's on your HTTP server's side, you control that.

Occasionally I get requests to allow HTML hosted on Neocities to make API calls directly to Neocities itself - which would be OK for things like basic stats lookup, but for things like file uploading/deleting/editing this is dangerous, because it would allow attackers to write scripts to hack people's accounts that can be executed by their own browsers. This is called a CSRF attack, and that's why we prevent people from doing that.

Sent an email to your kd dot net account.

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