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Management that takes critism positively without tit for tat attitude is not everywhere. By your own account you said "if you could find the right person to talk to, things could be changed from within". Well, is it employees' job to find the right feedback channel? Its the management's job to set up the right channels and make their employees aware of existance of such channels were they can give their feedback without fear of retaliation in any form. This feedback shouldn't be discarded or go into a black hole inbox. It should be openly addressed and appropriate action taken.

For bad examples for such process Snowden for one told he did go through such internal channels. Also Manning. Whistleblowers seems to be retaliated against with so much prejudice.

Also quitting a company that displays many such questionable ethical choices would feel good for my morale. Most people don't have such financial independence (runway) to quit and so they keep their jobs and keeps their opinions to themselves.

> Management that takes critism positively without tit for tat attitude is not everywhere. By your own account you said "if you could find the right person to talk to, things could be changed from within". Well, is it employees' job to find the right feedback channel? Its the management's job to set up the right channels and make their employees aware of existance of such channels were they can give their feedback without fear of retaliation in any form.

Sure. But a company that won't take feedback seriously I don't see why they would do anything when a large amount of people quit either.

At least in my experience if they're not receptive nothing but massive failure will actually change anything.

> For bad examples for such process Snowden for one told he did go through such internal channels.

To be fair we still don't know the extent of his attempts. He claims he sent emails to district heads but many in the DoD space know those typically are figure heads with little ability to change anything and there are better channels to go through. Granted I have no idea if it would have made any difference but I'm hesitant to use his example as one where a feedback channel failed.

> Also quitting a company that displays many such questionable ethical choices would feel good for my morale. Most people don't have such financial independence (runway) to quit and so they keep their jobs and keeps their opinions to themselves.

Fair enough! :)

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