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Klout Raises $1.5 Million To Measure Influence And Authority On Twitter (techcrunch.com)
15 points by ashbrown on April 28, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

They seem the best of the Twitter influence measuring services. They've clearly put thought into what actually matters. Glad to see them moving ahead.

What if Twitter turns this feature on internally?

Sounds like a calculated risk. While a lot of "twitter services" are simple and could probably be built by twitter themselves should they feel like it, measuring influence and authority is a hard problem requiring considerable resources that twitter is likely to prefer investing elsewhere.

Yeah, right after building their own URL shortner / image host.

Interesting that this happened around the same time as


Even more interesting is that trst.me has more (or more up-to-date) data and probably didn't require $1.5MM in funding.

Congratulations guys! Our offices are in the same room as Klout, and they are good peeps.

as a non-native english, honest question: does "room" also means something else from "some space with walls around it", or you actually have a very large room?

It's literally the same room. It's not even a very large room; Klout is only 6 people. Also in the same room are Flowtown, Plancast, and Publitweet -- we're on the first floor of 795 Folsom, the same building as Twitter. If you're an engineer looking for a job, our office is a GREAT place to dump your resume ;-)

thanks for taking time to explain :)

As a native speaker, it doesn't mean something else than "some space with walls around it." I'd imagine that they work in some sort of shared office space. My startup's office, for example, is on a loft with 4 or 5 other companies all around us.

Ha, I love that CrunchBase has the updated logo but the post itself does not.

Congrats, folks!

Congrats guys!

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