I looked at Ember documentation and saw a tutorial on building a rental site [1] that could be easily implemented without Ember. They should have chosen a better example that would show clear benefints from using complicated JS framework otherwise it just looks like over-engineered solution for a simple problem.
Also Ember documentation doesn't give any reasoning why (or when) one should or should not use their framework. But they have a mustache on a front page.
I've read several of your comments on this thread and, while you do make some good points, you are extremely condescending. So condescending that it is almost impossible for me to read an entire one of your comments.
In the wild, yeah, js failovers are a good idea. But this is a show HN...the author had no idea if it would even work and just wanted to get something out. Instead of substantive comments designed to help the author build a better application, you instead choose to go on a failover holy war??? That's not only weak, it's uninteresting and absolutely not helpful.
Also Ember documentation doesn't give any reasoning why (or when) one should or should not use their framework. But they have a mustache on a front page.
[1] https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.9.0/tutorial/ember-cli/