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Steve Bannon as WH chief strategist (Preibus is Chief of staff) (cnn.com)
11 points by bobosha on Nov 13, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Bannon's Alt right website Breitbart.com headline:

Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew


Edit: not sure if that was before or after he took over Breitbart

I believe he is not day to day running the website any more but another person is who goes to extremes on the headlines to get more clicks. Even more extreme I mean.

Robert Mercer (Renaissance Technologies hedge fund) is connected to Trump in so many ways:

- Keep the Promise super-PAC (supported Ted Cruz)

- Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC

- Cambridge Analytica (Trump started using their services)

- Kellyanne Conway

- David Bossie

- Breitbart News Network and Steve Bannon ($10 million equity investment according to sources)

Hedge fund CEO bought himself a president? How The Space Merchants (1952, Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth) of him.

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