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Weird, as far as I can tell this result was essentially achieved in February; at least that's when the register reported on it: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/06/china_shows_how_fusi...

EAST seems to be connected to ITER, and is testing confinement methods like those planned for ITER. Here is an ITER press release about EAST hitting that 32 s H-mode confinement: https://www.iter.org/newsline/291/1783

And here is a later article about EAST receiving an upgrade and shooting for those 100 seconds in 2014: https://www.iter.org/newsline/-/1916

Hm, so I think the experiment this article alludes to is not exactly the same as the February one. This article seems to be based on this press release: http://www.ipp.ac.cn/xwdt/tpxw/201611/t20161102_352924.html which (using Google Translate) says "In a new round of physical experiments launched in August 2016, the EAST team achieved steady-state, high-confinement-mode plasmas for more than 60 seconds in mid-October by further optimizing the steady-state operation integrated control at long pulse time scales".

It seems they reported their latest results at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (17–22 October 2016); I'm guessing that they did a press release based on that, and that's why it's getting picked up by news.

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