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XML to JSONP converter for consuming APIs (heroku.com)
13 points by matthewcford on April 24, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

motivation was to be able to consume the pivotal tracker api, which is XML only with a url like:


Last year I made a service that converts data from spreadsheets or spreadsheet-like text files to XML. http://elev.at/

How do you call methods other than GET? Maybe you should add a method parameter, since JSONP is GET-only.

I only currently need the read-only APIs, but adding other methods shouldn't be too difficult.

Ok, just added support for other methods, although I haven't had the chance to properly test it yet. Just send a POST/PUT/DELETE, with the url parameter and the rest of the parameters will be passed on - probably won't work with a multipart post.

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