Saudi Arabia was (until massive backlash and attention) on the Human Rights board of the UN. You know, the country that stones women and sponsors terrorism. In a totally unrelated series of events, they have also donated millions upon millions of dollars to the election campaigns of US officials. Surly Saudi Arabia is just a powerhouse when it comes to Human Rights and they really deserved that spot.
Please note, this is just one obvious example. Read into this topic more. Ignorance and lack of research doesn't mean people are "paranoid". Easy to dismiss uncomfortable truths by calling people paranoid and conspiracy theorists.
Do you even know how the UNHRC works or how much of a farce it is?
Member states are rotated every 3 years. The council is heavily controlled and influenced by middle eastern and African nations, supported by China, Russia and Cuba, which protect each other from criticism. Even Ban Ki-moon has called the council ineffective. An example of this influence is that it criticises Israel more than all other countries combined - which, remember, include North Korea, Syria, China, Turkey, Libya, Burma, Zimbabwe, etc.
Please note, this is just one obvious example. Read into this topic more. Ignorance and lack of research doesn't mean people are "paranoid". Easy to dismiss uncomfortable truths by calling people paranoid and conspiracy theorists.