>, and our rates are nearly two orders of magnitude[1] less than those rack rates.
$130 / 10 / 10 = $1.30
Did your workplace really negotiate UPS pricing such than you can send a 20 pound large package that's 36x18x24 across 2700 miles to be almost as low as $1.30?
I'm well aware of what the term order of magnitude means.
I've shipped things twice, in the shipping-company provided boxes. An overnight "medium box" between NYC and LA is on the order of $10. (Hence my "not quite" remark, it was technically more than $6 and for a smaller box. But shockingly cheap nonetheless.)
Oh, I use it that way from time to time. But I like to say "order of bignitude" to disambiguate binary. Also occasionally useful is "order of wordnitude" for millions / billions, etc.