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The scheme is an essential part of the URL. Copying an URL from a browser's location bar used to be a reliable way of sharing links, but this change introduces a greater potential for errors (there's no reason to assume an https resource is available via http, for example).

Copy-pasting includes the scheme (mostly, there's a couple bugs at the moment). Better to read up on the issue before commenting about how it's supposedly broken.

I didn't say it was broken, but that the change increases the possibility of errors. Look at the other links provided in this thread to see why this is so. I stand by my statement, which I made after reading up on the issue.

Editing your post and claiming you never said the original comment is pretty shady.

But the scheme is still shown for https.

Not consistently. This is a critical part of URLs. Not displaying it is like not displaying zip codes in US addresses (I recently lived at an address that differed from a nearby address in zip code only. We were constantly returning misdirected mail to each other.).

It (https) is displayed consistently in Chrome's address bar though. I agree that the scheme is a critical part of a url. The question is whether a real url must always be shown in the address bar.

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