Newspeak is the fictional language in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, written by George Orwell. It is a controlled language created by the totalitarian state Oceania as a tool to limit freedom of thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, and peace. [1]
It matches my definition very well:
"In my experience Newspeak was a dialect of language dictated by the illegitimate power structure to prevent the accidental communication of truthful expression which could undermine its authority."
Newspeak is the fictional language in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, written by George Orwell. It is a controlled language created by the totalitarian state Oceania as a tool to limit freedom of thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, and peace. [1]
It matches my definition very well:
"In my experience Newspeak was a dialect of language dictated by the illegitimate power structure to prevent the accidental communication of truthful expression which could undermine its authority."