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UTF-16, and non-BMP planes, were devised in 1996. The author seems to have been 5 years late to the party.

UTF-16 was only made into a standard in 2000[0]

The first non-BMP characters weren't introduced until 2001[1]

From a historical perspective, less than a month after Unicode 3.1 was released officially, it was not clear that Unicode (the standard, not the technical implementation of the encoding) would actually work.

[0] - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2781 [1] - http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr27/tr27-4.html

> UTF-16 was only made into a standard in 2000

It only got its own IETF RFC in 2000, but the surrogate pair mechanism was first specified in 1996's Unicode 2.0.

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