If this happens, it's going to be because Lockheed Martin gets their fusion plant going. Back in 2014, Lockheed Martin announced that their Skunk Works unit was working on building a fusion reactor.[1] Last May, the head of the Skunk Works announced quietly that they'd achieved initial plasma and were investing more money in the project.[2]
The Skunk Works produced the U-2, the SR-71, and the first stealth fighter. They're really good at building things. They have money. They have very good people. If anybody can make this work, it's them.
The Skunk Works produced the U-2, the SR-71, and the first stealth fighter. They're really good at building things. They have money. They have very good people. If anybody can make this work, it's them.
[1] http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/products/compact-fusion.htm... [2] http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/innovation/2016/05/...