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Ask YC: Lightweight Python HTTP server?
5 points by tx on Feb 29, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
We're starting a new server-side multi-platform project which will be 100% Python, and we need a Web UI for it. The software will have to run well on Linux and Windows.

This is NOT a public website, therefore the load will be quite low, within 1-5 requests a second in most extreme cases.

I am new to Python, coming from Ruby/C++ but I know about various Python web frameworks, and I'll look into all of them, but you still need to run a web server "in front" of all those frameworks.

Since we're not hosting the product (it will be sold as an installer to enterprise customers), we'd like to provide a "boxed" solution: HTTP server + Web Framework + Python Application in one tight and easily configurable package. Again, it needs to run on Windows too.

Since hackers news is heavy on good Python hackers, I figured I'd better ask for your advice. Can I bolt on Pylons or something like this on top of built-in Python HTTP server? Or shall I look around for Python-analog of Mongrel? Or "embed" something like nginx maybe? SSL is a must-have requirement.

Thank you.

You can bundle a production server using CherryPy's server:


Then your users can proxy requests from a certain port to CherryPy.

The guys from silver stripe bundled their django app for a windows installer (only windows) using TooFPy:

http://www.silverstripesoftware.com/blog/archives/51 http://pyds.muensterland.org/wiki/toolserver.html

A little googling turns up

ASPN cookbook recipe for a simple SSL server http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/4424...

The MeTooCrypto package from the Chandler project http://chandlerproject.org/bin/view/Projects/MeTooCrypto

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