I can recommend apenwarr's redo implementation [0]. There's occasional activity on the mailing list [1], which leads me to believe people are using it, but not promoting it much.
The apenwarr implementation includes a full Python implementation as well as a minimal version in < 200 lines of sh. The minimal version doesn't support incremental rebuilds -- the out-of-date-ness tracking in the full Python version uses sqlite -- but it's good for understanding the redo concept. Also good for embedded contexts.
I used the full redo implementation for some data processing tasks once, with mixed results. It was a situation where I couldn't declare the dependency graph up front. With redo, each target declares its dependencies locally when it builds, and redo assembles and tracks the dynamic dependency graph. It's pretty neat, but become difficult to reason about and debug. Could be that I never got comfortable with the new paradigm, or could be that essential tooling was missing, not sure. I still think redo is promising.
Anyway after a decade of messing with shiny new build tools, I finally learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (make). It's weird and warty but surprisingly capable. Worth the learning investment. Oh and jgrahamc's "GNU Make Book" is great. [2]
[1] http://cr.yp.to/redo.html
[2] http://apenwarr.ca/log/?m=201012#14