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It's a race to the bottom. NAFTA and now TPP will continue to screw over the little guy. I'm with you. IT jobs are being driven overseas or foreign replacements being brought in. The politicians and corporate leaders are crooks who care nothing about anyone or anything save bottom line and their own paycheck. It's ridiculous that in 1960, the average CEO made a little over 3 times what the average employee makes. Now? CEOs make 2-300 times the average employee. That's skewed beyond defense.

I'm toying with the idea of getting out of IT because the writing is on the wall. I'm also almost 50, so the fact that I'm still in the trenches is against me. I don't want to be in management. I like pure IT, but what with the "cloud", hiring of foreign IT workers to save a little money, you name it, the system is against me.

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