This sets the backlight brightness. I'm not sure what the units are, but it can go all the way to 0. If I shine a very bright light at the screen (like sunlight), it is readable at 0.
Seems like there could be a Kickstarter. I'd want a high resolution external eink display as a secondary monitor. The refresh rate would be hell, but it'd be okay for text work.
This is still pretty appealing - I could stand to put static or near-static text there. I'd probably want to add it to my current pair of monitors, though, instead of subbing one out.
I've been wanting something like this for ages. Even as a small-scale secondary monitor, it'd be great to toss static text like tickets or APIs onto an eink display.
Oh yes! At least Kobo readers are Linux and you can SSH in. You could even install another distro I believe. Some ugly hack could be rendering the display content on your machine and just sent the image over.