Will this not be solved, partly and in a sense, by hologram keyboards? It seems your wish for a physical keyboard is not due to an enjoyment of the tactile nature of it but rather that it's quite hard to type on an in-screen virtual one.
Hologram keyboards would still seemingly require a surface to type on, though, so it wouldn't solve everything. One might imagine a future where the phone is in your pocket but a hologram screen + keyboard appears (somehow) in front of you. I'm just thinking out loud here.
You can't hold a phone by its holographic keyboard. That means you'd have to type with one hand. One of the big advantages of physical keyboards is the ability to type with 2 thumbs, or even 2 hands on devices like the Psion 5.
Hologram keyboards would still seemingly require a surface to type on, though, so it wouldn't solve everything. One might imagine a future where the phone is in your pocket but a hologram screen + keyboard appears (somehow) in front of you. I'm just thinking out loud here.