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Not saying anything about this particular breakdown, but I do have a personal story about how not all typology breakdowns are useless:

Years ago I was working with two guys - one had become a close friend and one was a guy that I didn't like at all, he totally rubbed me the wrong way. BUT the two of them were good friends, and so my friend kept asking me why I wasn't friends with this other guy since we both liked the same things, looked at the world similarly, etc.

So eventually I somehow discovered this book called "I Wish I'd Said That"[1], which categorizes and analyzes people according to their communication styles.

Now I had studied a bunch of other typologies (MBTI, Enneagram, etc), but all of the sudden this one made it clear that I didn't like my coworker because of how he communicated. I had leapt to conclusions about who he was based on his communication style, and realized I was reacting to the way he spoke, not him as a person. The book gave me a very clear way to reframe how I interpreted his communications and how to engage with him so I could get past the parts of his communication style that didn't match mine and actually get to know him as a person.

Long story short, we are now close friends - 100% due to reading and applying the categories in this book. Your mileage may vary, but I'm pretty sure it's hard to NOT learn something useful from it. Highly recommended, especially if you tend to look at the world through an analytic lens.

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Wish-Id-Said-That-Trouble/dp/04715555...

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