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> While everyone has a right to express his or her political opinion

We'll just try to blackmail your company into stifling political thought.

On the other hand, who would want to work with a company lead by a racist?

> "I absolutely support him doing whatever he wants politically if it's legal. To take any other position is against American values."

Also disagree with this. Refusing to work with someone because of their politics may be a nasty thing to do, but it's equally valid speech.

All that said, i don't know if Palmer Lucky is a racist. I do think he's a young man with a high profile and based on things that have happened I think he should probably have someone working with him to help maintain a more professional online presence.

His GF is a trump supporter. Maybe he is too. So is Thiel. I think less of them all because of it, but ultimately who they are politically isn't a big deal to me. I just question what good Luckey thinks can come of funding "shitposters". Throwing a fundraiser, starting a super pac, endorsing trump, etc... those are all pretty standard political process things. This just seems ridiculous.

I'd also be especially careful given what happened to Eich. Yes, he gave money to a cause many view as oppressive (me included). Don't really see a big difference between that and Trump at this point.

+1 for sentiment, upvoted.

-1 for spelling (led is the past tense of lead). Not downvoted.

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